Country Mouse Creation

Country Mouse Creation
A Place to come sit awhile and enjoy a Little Bit of the Country and Gods Love
Marshmallow Love Is......
Going on a Diet together!!!!

Diets Yuck!!!
Why is it we all think we need to after the Holidays? Isn't it depressing enough we don't get to eat all that wonderful
gooey , yummy foods we have the past few months we seem to need to  compound the misery by deciding we need to eat healthy salads, no deserts, no soft drinks. Water and lettuce man can not live on alone. We were not rabbits, its OK to get healthy but lets not go to extremes here.
How about a walk outside in Gods country look at the prairie grass turning that beautiful golden color. Listen carefully you can hear the birds starting to sing again. The snow is starting to melt in some places now and the ponds have little islands of ice floating on them.
Walk out in Gods world enjoy the fresh air and cook a good healthy piece of fish for dinner with fresh vegetables on the grill. How about some stuffed jalapenos with green onions, mushrooms, a little low fat cream cheese yummmmm.
Ok, Ok I am not the one to talk about diet to anyone I love food! I am just saying enjoy what God has placed in front of you. I sent the better part of the morning walking out by our pound picking up rocks for trim around my trees for the spring it seemed a good time to pick them up since its not too hot and the pound is low and there were all kinds of new rocks exposed. Good exercise walking up the hill with those rocks!!! And it will make a pretty border around my trees this spring. Plus its free. And to think there are people around here making good money selling rocks to people in the city.
I like free and I love what God is providing me today. Look and see what he has given you today!

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blesses is the man (woman or child) who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34:8

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