Country Mouse Creation

Country Mouse Creation
A Place to come sit awhile and enjoy a Little Bit of the Country and Gods Love

Why We Dont Have Dinner Tonight Or Why We Should go out to Eat

It started out this morning I was going to take something out for dinner! You know try to be prepared for the evening so I could relax after Ron came home. So I get up with a million things to do and my first is to take out something for a nice home cooked meal I am thinking steaks, twice baked potatoes and corn casserole. You know comfort food. So on my way to the freezer that is in our garage I notice I haven't made the bed so I start to make the bed pulling up the sheets .......... I realize well I might as well wash them and so I strip the bed. Headed for the utility room arms full of sheets I pass the dishwasher, dawng I forgot to empty that last night so I throw the sheets on the floor start emptying the dishwasher as I am doing that I notice I ha vent made tea, so I take the picture out and go to pantry to get tea bags.
What a mess the can goods are everywhere the cokes on the floor all all spread out, the bags of noodles are in disarray so I start organizing the pantry three hours later the pantry is done. What did I come in here for cant remember so leave the pantry, going through the utility room again notice sheets I have dropped on the floor pick them up to throw into washer ..........yep you guessed it cloths in washer so go to put in dryer ......clothes in dryer take them out fold them notice a few items to be ironed in pile and some in ironing basket might as well get those done while I am here. Plug in iron needs, need water for the steam so go back in kitchen to get water notice I haven't finished dishwasher unloading do that get cup for water head back to utility room remember why I came through here in the first place get tea bags put tea on to boil back to utility to iron. One hour later ironing done another load of laundry finished fold it and start those sheets I forgot to start earlier. Got to go take that meat out......... Head for garage again and remember I need to get sheets for the bed so go to linen closet get fresh sheets head back to bedroom and notice leafs on the carpet in the hall pick up the leaves the dog drug in. Drop in the waste basket in the hall bathroom ...... notice the mirror is streaked so get the Windex out from under the sink and clean mirrors and notice shower door needs cleaning too. Well might as well go a head and clean the shower while I am in here. Start to clean shower try to use the new noses that has the removable handle for easy cleaning cant reach the top of the nozzle to push the button in so the water will come out so go to closet to get the stool push the button turn on the water ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soaked not pushed in far enough water is coming out from regular shower head..........Now that I am soaked from head to toe with cold water I try again this time success. I am soaking wet hair and all cleaning the shower and the door bell rings! Go to the door dripping water all the way down the hall to the front room, open the door only to see the UPS man driving down the drive............ I wave thanks for the package he looks back shakes his head like I am a nut case and drives off. I guess hes never seen a woman in her 50s in a wet T shirt contest. Head back to shower finish the job go to get fresh towels from linen closet only to have a pile of towels fall on my head. Pull all the towels out refold and replace in cabinet. See some towel fuzz on the floor pick it up, I'll just throw it in the toilet. Toilet has a little trace of my husband, left behind. Do men think these toilet clean themselves. Do mothers of boys not teach them what that little brush beside the toilet is for? Well the little brown ring is a little stubborn so will have to go to get some Clorox. Head back to utility to get the Clorox and pass the guest bedroom , our guest from last weekend were so sweet they stripped the bed when they left and I forgot I need to put sheets back on the bed. But first I need to get out of these wet clothes. So back to get the sheets from the linen closet put on sheets make bed straighten up room ............while I am this close........... I should get the meat out........ head for garage again phone rings where is it go back to living room look around cant find the phone while looking the phone stops ringing.........notice where I moved some books aside I Left a little race track looking design in the dust on the book shelf. Guess I better get that dusted while I am here.............head to kitchen to get furniture polish notice boiling water is now gone on the stove and tea bags are burnt to the pan............Crud.......... yep take the pan throw it in the sink, run water in the pan causing as wonderful steam and smell to rise toward the curtains above the sink..........No I am not pulling them down today and washing them I refuse, I have to get the meat from the freezer for dinner its almost 3:00. Ron will be home on time tonight. So get the Clorox put tea bags in coffee maker I will make tea this way its easier and if I forget again it wont burn the house down. Get Clorox notice clothes are done so switch them over and head back to guest bathroom to finish cleaning toilet. Well while I have the Clorox out Ill do the floors too head for the mop get the mop the head of the mop is dirty so go to get a replacement head in the utility room. Get to utility room notice the dogs bowl is empty so feed the dog .........get his water bowl to fill trip over rug.........spill dogs water so have to mop the utility room floor. Mop the floor now back down the hall to finish mopping bathroom..........well while I have this mop out and wet might as well do the other floor.........go back to our bathroom mop the floor. On the way to return the mop and hopefully to take the meat out of the freezer I realize I didn't finish mopping floors....... notice I forgot to finish, making my bed. Make the bed....... change out of wet clothes, finish floors...... lok in mirror realize I havent combed my hair or put on any make up today. Better put on make up so I don't scare the neighbors. Brush my hair, head back to finish tea....get the mop take it towards the garage to and to get the meat, hear a car in the drive.........Its Ron .......Whats for dinner I am starved..............well...............I....... didn't take the meat out...........what are you getting old do we need to put you in the home because you can't remember the simple things, like taking the meat out for dinner???????? (Well actually it doesn't sound too bad to me at least it would be a vacation!!!! ) Well what did you do all day while I was at work?
Not much!!!How about dinner out tonight?

Thought for Today!!